why you choose economics as your major

"Understanding the math" can be a stumbling block or the key to understanding in the sciences, engineering, economics, and finance.

Economics is at the heart of many social problems facing the world, including unemployment, inflation, poverty, pollution, health care, human rights, and gender and racial inequality. While marketers in the past relied mostly on reaching consumers directly through print, television, and radio advertising, the digital age has brought a range of new internet-based outlets for marketing. More broadly, an economics degree helps prepare you for careers that require numerical, analytical and problem solving skills - for example in business planning, marketing, research and management. The study focused on the recent graduating class of economics majors and followed the outcomes of the students' choice of majors. I am currently finishing my third year at Santa Barbara City College. I chose accounting as a major because I like numbers and wanted be a CPA accountant. and helps to take various corrective measures. Throughout my childhood, even though living a below-average life, I have always been a hard worker and performer in school. A weak reason for majoring in economics is for the sake of career. I have aunts and uncles in the accounting field, so when declaring a major in college, I chose accounting. 4 Pages.

Economics makes you programmable (not programmed).

Why did you choose your major? A degree in economics covers current real-world issues. You were young, enjoying life, not thinking much about what the future would bring.And so you followed the advice of your parents, or you went to the same college your friends . Giving the interviewer a better idea of how you plan for future development also shows that self-improvement is important to you. You Can Reply In The Form Of A Story Economics majors learn to think critically about economic issues, analyze data sets, and make predictions about future trends. The kinds of majors where you learn to integrate mathematics and science with the everyday world have a tremendous benefit in terms of earnings potential," says PayScale.com's Lee. Choosing a college major is one of the most important decisions in a person's life. -Finance majors are paid well. Economic Forecaster. I explain the bizarre story for why I decided to major in economics, and I'm ask. Check out our faculty media recommendations. This is course will give me an edge of being easily employed after I graduate college. 5,6,7. I chose to major in economics, because I enjoy learning about human decision-making and how our decisions directly impact our communities and environment. A major in either business or economics doesn't limit career optionsthe fields are similar and a degree in either will not limit the pursuit of a career in one field or the other. Gaining insight into potential Career Choices has never been easier!! You have to choose a job you're interested in and you've always wanted to do. Nobody really wants to be a mediocre individual. Current pay According to Payscale, the average salary of a person with a bachelor's degree in economics is $71,173. These skills can help you understand today's economic realitiesand tomorrow's. SEE: Understand critical thinking skils 2. However, there are some common positions shared by graduates of these fields. Well, studying economics can make you interested in prices and incentives, employment and earnings, trade, and investments, among other things. That is 87% of the battle! Being a writer is something I always dreamed of doing. Economics majors focus more on big-picture ideas and theories, such as how markets work and how decisions affect markets, as well as how to analyze and explain data. You'll Expand Your Vocabulary. 2) HR is the opportunity to influence innumerable aspects of the organisation, 3)Earning above average salary 4) i will have the power chance to change someone lives by hired him or her. Majoring in Economics provided the opportunity to critically think and gain an understanding and appreciation for our global economy.

However, as an economics student, I tried to articulate whatever I think is important before choosing economics as a major. Economic forecaster. A major in mathematics helps a person become literate, conversant, and knowledgeable in many fields. As you are approaching the last year or two of your studies as an Economics student, or perhaps if you chose to pursue your postgraduate studies in Economics, below are some of the major fields in Economics you can consider focusing on. Three "Why Major" Essay Examples Why Electrical Engineering? It is very interrelated to international relations (especially since I'm interested in the economics of developing countries). A primary reason to consider a major in marketing is the diverse array of subdisciplines in the field. In the students senior year it is a simple seemingly inconsequential click of a button on an online application. Common prompts include "Why This College?", "Describe an Extracurricular," and "Why This Major?". It can be applied to a wide range of industries and sectors, from finance and banking to government and policy making. Picking the wrong career can quickly cause problems in your personal and professional life. AIU offers many online degree programs that may fit your career path or . Use example answers for inspiration Coming up with an answer to 'Why did you choose your major?' can be challenging. The other area where finance major is very applicable is in the lending and credit institutions. This is the image created in the minds of the professionals. This thesis can come at the beginning, middle, or end of your essay. Why do you want to study economics give reasons Class 11? As an economist, you can make a living from predicting future economic events. Their . I always liked to write stories since it developed from my love of reading books. You may hear this question in both job and school admission interviews.And it is a tricky one for a simple reason: because many people do not know why they chose their major. Reason one is to move above and beyond at my current job. If you're wondering if you should major in economics, then WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Below is a list of the top ten most versatile majors, these majors are ranked by PayScale as the majors that lead to the widest variety of jobs. I also appreciate the extreme versatility within the field.

I appreciate the analytical and quantitative skills the major can bring to my skill set as a future business professional. Why It Works: This answer makes it clear that the candidate's major is an extension of long-term interests and abilities.

When deciding on whether an applied economics degree is right for you, it's only natural that job security and financial stability are at the top of your mind. Kaitlyn Hoevelmann took an economics class in high school and never looked back. Economics can help us better understand the world we live in, providing a lens through which we can visualize solutions to seemingly insurmountable issues. There are two major reasons why studying economics is important. (some economists make the mistake of using just lottery numbers, but this can lead to . Plus, it makes my degrees more applicable to a larger amount of careers/versatile and I can likely ensure a better salary out of undergrad.</p>. 1. That's why I applied for this position, and I hope to convince you to give me a chance to prove my skills and dedication to the field. Health and education Economics. Learning about interest rates, exchange rates, economic indicators and equity markets can help you make better decisions about investing and obtaining mortgages. Students in an economics major learn how to analyze human decision-making and interaction. Many people seem to think economics is only concerned with business. They want deeper understanding of economic phenomena and they enjoy the rigorous reasoning. This will also help rid the stock market of companies with dubious financial arrangements and others who are out to defraud the populace of their hard earned money. These skills are desired across careers in the public and private sectors. I want readers to have similar reactions to when they see my book, to be happy and read it, not moan . Non-technical majors--the arts (11.1%), humanities and . Lucie Abele '22. The fumbling tone of the answer will create doubts in the minds of the interviewer. Read more about why you should study economics, including: Learn more about the field of economics as a whole. You learn to apply a variety of theoretical perspectives to issues of economic efficiency, economic growth . Economic concepts apply to topics that range in scale from individual choices to international. Get to know the Northwestern economics community. For example, the 'boom and bust' theory says that for every. Choosing a rewarding career is one of the most important things you can do. Some people just do not find the courage to follow their dreams . 6.

The eagerness to explore new concepts and ideas eventually led me to read magazines like the Economist. First and foremost, it is a very versatile degree. Students often choose to continue their studies in graduate programs (MS or PhD) in mathematics or related fields, such as statistics, economics, finance, computer science, or operations research. Having the ability to build on ideas and create action plans to achieve long-term goals shows employers you have the motivation and initiative to continue achieving growth. Provide examples of successes and setbacks in this part of your job and what you did to get better Ensure you relate it back to the job at hand and how your passions can easily correlate with this employment opportunity 6. not to mention its contributions to advancing your career goals! From the job opportunities it opens up to the transferable skills and strong knowledge you will develop. Five Myths About Economics and the Economics Major. Here's a look at seven advantages of studying economics and how it can benefit both your organization and career. By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know a few things: With English, the main reason people think that we choose English is either to teach or to write, which is the reason why I want to be an English major. Colleges want to understand your academic background, what your intellectual passions are, and what you plan to do professionally. Therefore, regardless of the position or career path you decide to pursue with a finance degree, numbers are just one aspect of the job. Open Document. Here are 10 reasons why you should study economics as a major; 1. The benefits of a business degree are easy for students to see, as the skills they . An ideal response to this question starts with the main reason which prompted you and motivated you to choose your major. The career you choose will have a lot to do with the way you want to live your life. It's true that economics can't tell you whether God exists and isn't going to tell you what happens when you mix Chemical A and Chemical B, but an economics degree gives you a set of intellectual tools that can be adapted to any social problem. The key to being a good economic forecaster is to use a mixture of dice and lottery numbers. It is because the training and education involved the various aspects of a company which is very applicable in real business. 917 Words. Below are some of the key details of the economics major. 1. I chose it because I was always interested in electricity and how it works, like how electrical power plants work and solar panels, things like that. Show what you can add to the organization Economic History. I am interested in finance because, first and foremost, I want to be rich. Explore the different career paths available for economics majors. Now I wish to change majors because of the more in-depth and technical information that an economics major can provide about the subject of finance. Economics Knowledge Is Useful at a Personal Level When pursuing a degree in economics, you'll learn a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to other jobs or to your personal life. Economics helps you to think strategically and make decisions to optimise the outcome. Whether it's scarcity (limited resources), opportunity cost (what must be given up to obtain something else), or equilibrium (the price at which demand equals supply), an economics course will .

Hear from our students about why they chose to study economics. Students choose to major in economics for two strong reasons. I aim to become an entrepreneur who uses economics to combat social problems. Step #3: Decide if you want to include a specific thesis that explicitly states your central argumentin this case what you want to study and why. Perhaps my forced, early association with the local church saved me . Math and statistics are used in economics, but at the undergraduate degree level, the math and statistics are certainly not . That means women are choosing to major in economics at only a third of the rate of men. fortify February 9, 2010, 5:52pm #20. Why study economics? An economist could forecast inflation rates, unemployment, or fiscal deficit at an aggregate level. However, I did not know exactly what type of writing I wanted to do or how I was going to make it my career. 23.

Mathematicians may work in insurance . Just share this reason with your interviewer as this is all an interviewer wants to know. How to Answer The interviewer would like to understand better the thinking behind your post-secondary major. Additionally, an MA in Economics provides excellent preparation for doctoral study, should you choose to pursue that route. 1. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those who obtain a master's degree in applied economics can see their salary increase to over $100,000 annually. As a psychology major, my objective is to understand the cause of people being the way they are, doing the things they do and behaving the way they do. Most versatile majors are general degrees that students can tailor to specific jobs.

Here are 10 absolutely foolproof reasons for studying economics. If you need a little more convincing, read on.

Benefit from diverse career opportunities.

The job market for finance majors is looking good. Md 25 Sep Some of the major reasons why i choose a career in HR :- 1)I love making new hires feel welcome and ready to join the team. Remember, there is absolutely no right or wrong answer here, but you should have a well-thought-out response ready. Economic forecasting is an effort to predict future economic outcomes. Explain what you chose, and what the leading factors were behind your decision. or a B.A. Discover more about studying economics and studying it in Holland. Professional graduate schools (business, law, medicine) think it's a great major because they realize that studying mathematics develops analytical skills and the ability to work in a problem solving environment; these are skills and experience which rank high on their list of assets. Economists are interested in incentives and prices, earnings and employment, investments and trade among many things. As a result, job recruiters and graduate . There are a variety of reasons to study economics at university. in economics, you will study a liberal arts core at . Graphic Design, Game Design and Web; Working as a Welder; Show All Career Related Video. The best answer is to ALWAYS say something about the people/ quality of people you will have a chance to work with and the deals that you will have exposure to. Second is to unlock the entrepreneur inside and leave my mark on the world. As a supplemental essay, the "Why This Major?" prompt asks you to explain your interest in your intended major. I wanted a well-balanced degree and double majored in History and Economics. Explore your options today by checking out the videos below. One reason is to enhance comprehension of economic phenomena, as well as, enjoy the involved rigorous reasoning. Third is to polish my academic skills which it can help to provide me opportunity to develop skills in the area of business that can be applied in many different situations. An MA in Economics is in-demand for a number of reasons.

The great English economist, Alfred Marshall, wrote that, "Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life." Because economics offers a way of thinking that is clear, concise, and rigorous, students will find that an economics major prepares them for almost any professional career. Myth 1: Economics is all mathematics and statistics. Learn about our diverse career and internship opportunities. Want to pursue hands-on economics such as trading or studying financial markets; Want to pursue a master's degree or Ph.D. in economics; Are interested in taking business-centric electives; Want to double major in finance or another business program; Whether you pursue a B.S. Our economic history should be learned and understood. This means that finance professionals need strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills depending on the specific position. My father always encouraged me to read books and magazines as a way to nurture my curious mind. 5. Goldin found that for female prospective economics majors, their grades in "Principles of Economics" (or other course equivalents to "Econ 1") was an influential determinant of whether they would choose to . 1 page, 261 words. Economics is a General-Purpose Intellectual Technology. There is one school of thought that holds that everything in the world works in cycles, and timing is everything - including in commerce. Now, she enjoys putting her double major in economics and journalism to work at the St. Louis Fed. It develops analytical skills to examine data to support good decisions.

In addition, Management course is also a good preparation to become a boss in an organization or even run my own business someday. Effective solutions to these problems require a rigorous training in economics. Let's be honest. The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Office of Career Management and professional company recruiters offer advice on how to answer the interv. Here are a few reasons to major in economics: 1. - Helen Keller Why I majored in Business? Careers of Interest. Major fields in Economics. The Economics major provides the preparation for understanding economic issues of great importance: Economics students learn to think creatively and deeply about some of the most important economic concerns facing the world today. Mathematics can be the mountain from which to survey the intellectual terrain. Economics is the perfect crossover of research and analysis with human activity.

I enjoyed math classes in high school, but I knew that I wanted to be working in some sort of business field.

Make the world a better place to live. Students with an undergraduate degree in mathematics pursue graduate study or careers in business and industry. I want to go into either power systems or robotics because it seems like a fulfilling career that I would enjoy. Here are some reasons why you should consider finance as your major: -There is a strong demand for finance majors. Why Major in Economics? Perhaps you find yourself in the same boat. To write. However, after getting a CPA designation, I am glad that I chose accounting as my major because having a designation means that people know that you an expert on the respective field. The reasons for studying economics are: The study of economics also helps us to understand and analyse the root cause of basic problems faced by an economy like, poverty, unemployment, income disparity, etc.

The very best reason to study economics is to better understand the world and help you make better choices. . My professors were excellent . Some students choose not to major in economics because they think economics is all mathematics and statistics. Why students choose an Economics Major. Also the fact that engineers get paid well and I really enjoy some of the classes. Peter's Answer. 9 Similarly, minorities are choosing economics over other majors at only about half the rate of white students. Economics Development. A recent survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that finance majors are in high demand by employers. A major in mathematics helps a person become literate, conversant, and knowledgeable in many fields. It develops critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to make good decisions. I have chosen a degree in accounting because I have always enjoyed working with numbers. Answer smartly: Every MBA student is expected to be smart and witty. Economics Helps to Make Informed Decisions and Can Help Solve Problems NEVER say anything about the money - while it is clearly the reason that 99.92% of people in finance are here, no one will ever admit so in an interview, so don't be the guy that does . A career path as an economist brings comfort as well as challenges. This page also highlights some of the top-paying majors for undecided students. "Understanding the math" can be a stumbling block or the key to understanding in the sciences, engineering, economics, and finance. 2. Economics helps you to think strategically and make decisions to optimise the outcome. Economics majors are typically very math-centric and STEM-heavy, and feature courses such as Statistical Theory and Applied Mathematics. While you don't need to have majored in economics to enter a Ph.D. program in economics, it is a natural path. 6. So if my blog helped you with your choice, I'll be happy to help more . First of all, realize that the best part of getting asked, "Why did you choose your major?" is that you are already in an interview. More broadly, an economics degree helps prepare you for careers that require numerical, analytical and problem solving skills - for example in business planning, marketing, research and management. This is especially in view of the volatility of the markets. The effect choosing a college major has on one's life is much like a small ripple in the middle of a vast ocean. Why I choose economics as my major? I felt drawn to the subject, and I was lucky that my school had the resources to offer the class. As a young reader, I never made an attempt to fully understand words like poverty, economic development, and .

1. Business Administration. It can help you become a better citizen and a more rigorous thinker. So, when you answer the question of why you choose MBA, just reply with a smart and witty manner. Types of jobs you can get With a bachelor's degree in economics you can expect to qualify for jobs such as: Data analyst Business analyst Operations manager Financial analyst Economics, at its core, is the study of how to evaluate alternatives and make better choices. <p> Meanwhile, the economics, finance and math majors are pursing jobs with salaries that often double once they've gotten some decent experience under their belts.

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