communication styles quiz pdf

Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 4Guidelines for Assertive Communication 1. 2. Yo u d o n 't g e t i n to d e ta i l s Communication Style Assessment. . The Four Basic Styles of Communication 1.

Enter these scores at the bottom of the scoring sheet. four types of communication styles 2. Find Your Communication Style Now!

Communication-Style-Quiz.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Communication Styles Quiz. Communication styles quiz (adapted from "DBT Made Simple" by Sheri Van Dijk) Assertive Style I feel that I am allowed to express my thoughts and emotions to other people. If someone cuts in front of you in line at the store, which of the following best reflects what you'd likely say: A) Nothing, because I don't want to make a fuss.

FREE Less Than 3 Minutes No Email Required. You can achieve the best results by adapting your style to the style of the other person (s). 3. There are four communion styles that a person uses to communicate with others, that are analytical, functional,intuitive and personal. Option 3 Conflict Resolution Quiz Page 1 Name _____ Period_____ Which Style are You? They feel good about themselves, and they recognize that they have a right to express their opinions and feelings. Use put-downs or criticisms 1 2 1 2 23. The four terms (Driver, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical) were originally coined by Dr. David Merrill, founder of Tracom Consulting Group. To find out which one you are, take this quiz. Your blend of styles determines the way you communicate. Act according to your values and morals. But do you understand your communication style? If you take into consideration the needs of each style when communicating with others, you have the greatest chance of establishing rapport and trust. ___(Yes/No), I think people _____ (do/do not) talk to each other in the same way. Strongly Agree = A. Put your name on this and put it in the box! I use logical methods to test alternatives. The What's My Communication Style includes an online assessment, online self-study training course, and virtual or classroom training course. Communication Style Quiz. Assertive communication is the way people with good self-esteem tend to express themselves. When I am involved in a disagreement with someone important to me: A. It's easier to walk away or back down immediately to avoid conflict. If you Communication Style: Two-way communicator; great listener and provides empathetic response. Accept rejection easily. Mostly yes C. Not really D. Not at all 3. Make accusations or blame others 1 2 1 2 22. Communication Styles Quiz Your Communication Style Set forth below are descriptions of the four principle Communication Styles. Scoring Sheet for the Communication Styles Assessment Instructions: Circle the items you have selected and add up the totals for each style (one point per answer).

B) "Hel-lo! Don't you see me standing here?" C) "Hey, get to the back of the line and wait like everyone else!" Obtain information. Because every individual is unique, their preferred means of communication is different. most preferred style, total the points for each style. Speak in a medium pitch, speed, and volume.

Because it is only when both parties understand each other that communication can be said to have occurred.

When you adapt to another person it takes . 2.

The 4 Communication Styles Dolphin "A friendly face, a smile. Agree = B. Every person has a unique communication style, a way in which they interact and exchange information with others. Do the same for all of your D and E . 8 -STAR-139 A. caring and kind B. well-balanced, organized A. cautious and restrained B. active and energetic A. firm and courageous B. aware and alert An example of a question includes: What describes you best? When you have all four scores . Communication is also broken down into four distinct styles: analytical, intuitive, functional, and personal. represent communication styles are the Dove, the Owl, the Peacock, and the Eagle. Psychologists define four main communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. It helps them understand what their communication style means and how to improve on their approach. Disagree or Strongly Disagree= C. Neither agree nor disagree= D. Don't know/Not sure= E. Write your answer in the corresponding circle on the line provided for that question number. Styles: D I S C .

Not at all. Which statement do you most agree with? Communication can be tricky, but it is crucial in our role as physical therapists that we constantly work on and improve our communication skills. Of course, there's a lot more to the four communication styles than just these two philosophical differences. Corner styles occur when a person's score for one basic communication style is ten points higher than the score for any of the others. One important thing in understanding your child is learning how they communicate what they need and how they feel. Communication Styles Questionnaire This questionnaire is designed to help you discover your preferred communication style(s). A. Use this communication styles quiz to find your communication style. Choose option A, B, or C for the questions below; answer the answer that best fits how you might respond in the particular scenario. Lecture, preach, or give long sermons 1 2 1 2 25. Communication styles define the ways we give and receive information, as well as interact with other people. DISC - Communication Styles In order to determine your Communication Style, please complete the following: For each of the 10 word groups below, select the word that is MOST like you, LEAST . Have a talent for analyzing a problem or situation Make objective decisions based on logic Tend to be brief and businesslike Value accuracy and preciseness Treat people fairly Follow policies and rules 33. Here's how it works: The DISC model consists of four quadrants, corresponding to the letters D-I-S-C: Dominance/Driver: Emphasizes results and the bottom line.

With the Style Suite you can effect a profound impact on the lives of individuals and teams in your organization. The style where you scored the most points is your primary working style. Add up all of your A, B, and C answers to obtain your A score. Sharing the way you deal with your coworkers, your family, or the folks around you in the grocery store line can help us place you in the correct communication category. Check your responses with the key at the end of the quiz. Direct way of speaking. Style Circle your answer here Total Score (max. Communication Worksheet From the moment a child is born they start to communicate with those around them. Each style has its own advantages and challenges. Communication Weaknesses: Impatient, withholding, self-promoting, moving on too fast. Influence/Inspirational: Emphasizes relationships and influencing or persuading others. It's important to understand each communication style, and why individuals use them. Ask for what you want in away that doesn't damage the relationship.3.

Communication Style Quiz For each option below, place a check mark next to the descriptors that describe your style of communicating MOST of the time with MOST people (there will always be exceptions, but think about what is most common for you). As a result, pass ive individuals do not respond overtly to hurtful or anger -inducing situations. Cooperation is a key word for me.

I think we have all been there! Type 3 Communication Style. 5. For any given task or situation, certain styles may be more effective or appropriate than others. 20) Style 1 Listening or speaking: which do you prefer? Sometimes the answers you get from online quizzes aren't what you expect. I was sure I was one kind of speaker and would have a strong second component. Mostly A's: Your Primary Communication Style is Passive The Passive Communication Style is basically characterized by NOT communicating. Communication style is how you convey information to other people and how they respond to you. Characteristics of the Four Styles of Communication Positives Negatives Thinkers Are good at putting things in order. B. Communication styles revealed A = Assertor C = Contemplator The descriptions that follow are extreme examples to illustrate how communications styles differ. Analytical communicators are unemotional but linear. Bigstock The Communication Style Quiz allows you to understand your communication style so you can work more effectively with others. Which of the following situations call for a casual communication style? __You are emotionally dishonest. A paper version of the assessment is also available. The communication style quiz explains how respondents communicate with others. However, the dolphin sometimes is seen by others as compliant, soft-hearted, and acquiescent. 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 I am aware of my preferred communication style. 30. Take responsibility for their own choices. "Don't make waves." c. "I have rights and so do others." 2. Ignore the styles 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 I can select or adjust my communication style to fit any . Communication Strengths: Confident, efficient, clear, problem solving, encouraging. Corner styles have particular challenges to face in developing their communication skills. Pre-Project Statement Post-Project 5 4 3 2 1 I understand different communication styles. I got an answer that I might even say shocked me at the time. 32. Dolphins seek security and like to feel they belong. Use this communication styles quiz to find your communication style. Open posture, good eye contact. 2 / 15 Yes, I argue a lot From time to time No What do your colleagues/classmates think of you? Please complete the questionnaire and score sheet by following the instructions below. It's especially important to understand your primary style, since this is the one you use most often. Rarely are people only one style. A. I am calm B. I am a bit troubled C. I am irritated D. I am angry 2.

What communicative style mostly occurs in ceremonies? 1. Decide on your priorities. Print off the document. 2 CopyriNht Office Dynamics nternational 2 13. Do you like communicating with lots of data or prefer to focus on feelings? The worksheet . Listening is the key to communication with your child. No. Steadiness: Emphasizes cooperation, honesty, and reliability. Assertors Assertors are fast-paced and direct, like Demonstrators, but are more task oriented. Say no in a way that doesn't damage the relationship. Style Circle your answer here Total Score (max. The one with the lowest score indicates your least preferred strategy. I learn by doing. Afterwards read about the different styles and reflect on how you can work with others of a different style. Traits of Assertive Communicators Clearly state needs and wants Answer as truthfully as . For example, the assertive communication style . Open navigation menu The 5 communication styles are: Assertive communication Aggressive communication Passive communication Passive-aggressive communication Manipulative communication Assertive communication The assertive communication style is clear, upfront, and direct without being pushy, disrespectful, or rude. Commu n i c ati on s tyl e s q u i z wor k s h e e t I N T U I T I V E C OM M U N I C A T I ON ST YL E 1. Here's a quick overview of the four communication styles: Intuitive communicators are unemotional and freeform. Choose The Word That Best Describes You. Answer each question as honestly and accurately as possible. There is no one best style. COMMUNICATION STYLE SELFASSESSMENT Select from each pair of statements the one that is most typical of your personality. Think about the way you would really react, not the way that you wish that you would. However, all styles have pros and cons, so it's important that you can use the most appropriate style for each conflict situation. Take the Level 2 Communication Styles Quiz. Talk in a sarcastic tone of voice 1 2 1 2 26. Yes, we are able to influence one another B.

Everybody, (whether they know what it is or not) has a natural Communication Style that he or she uses without thinking. 6. 20) Style 1 Listening means giving your full attention to what your child has to say. U UdP8H]a: Z$d^ w@0 prvqus 3 -PZg {Kh I 8 t . Often too tolerant. Communication Strategy Do you: Parent Child 21. Choose the number of the statement that most closely resembles you: 1. If you aren't sure which word to choose, pick the first one that came to mind when you saw the choices.

Access your knowledge of this subject in this quiz. Give some examples. 19 33. Most of the people do not know what is their communication style, how they give and get information. Dr Sachin Patel, DC Learning About DISC D-Dominant Dominant style people tend to have a risk taking . This questionnaire will help you become a more effective communicator by giving you insight into your communication style. COMMUNICATION STYLES QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is designed to analyse the way you tend to behave with other people in the work environment. Afterwards read about the different styles and reflect on how you can From dealing with a stranger cutting in line at a store, to conflict at home with family, knowing your communication style and how you can improve it will greatly enhance your leadership success! Decision Making: Makes decisions more slowly, wants input from others, and often yields to the input In Pressure or Tense Situations: The Golden Retriever gives in to the opinions, ideas, and wishes of others. Identify the communication style and Write an explanation to tell me why this picture represents the communication style 4. Section 1: __You allow others to choose and make decisions for you. 2. The Shocking Communication Styles Quiz.

Over the next few pages are descriptions of the thinking, behavioural, and communication styles associated with each of these four birds, followed by a self-assessment questionnaire - 30 simple questions and a grid to map your results to 29. Yes, absolutely B. Emotionally expressive. Since you are probably unaware of this, this questionnaire will answer choices leading a prayer before meals delivering an oratorical talking to a friend while playing basketball conducting an interview to a local official regarding COVID - 19 Question 3 10 seconds Q. Because they don't regularly use a . Usually, people are a combination of several styles----they Empathic. 34. Protective of own needs and wants, while remaining respectful of others' needs and wants.

When you Communicate Are You a. We've all heard that communication is a two-way street: a listener and a speaker. About This Quiz. Most people are a combination of all four styles, and some peop any quadrant. communication styles, there are several points to keep in mind: 1. A. a.

At a large social gathering, you are most likely to: Take this quick quiz to learn more about your style and what you can do to become a more effective communicator, especially in conflict situations! 4 Dominant Communication Styles Although there are many different personalities, communication styles can be broken into four major profiles. Do you feel you share the same way of communicating your love? The maximum is 20 per style and your total for the four styles should be 40. answer choices

4. The maximum is 20 per style and your total for the four styles should be 40. I always question myself. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Discovering Your Communication Style 1. I like to handle several projects at the same time 32. "Everyone should be like me." b. Communication Style Quiz Try this fun self-quiz to find out your dominant Communication Style. Exaggerate how bad things are 1 2 1 2 24. Catalyst:(Do you think people talk to each other in the same way? 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 I understand how my behavior and chosen communication style(s) may impact my interactions with others. 31. I use logical methods to test alternatives. 31. Scoring of Parenting Quiz. There are four basic communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive and assertive. I always question myself. As PTs, we are in a really unique position to educate people in how they can reach their goals and achieve optimal health, but if we aren't speaking the same language . For a visual overview of your preferred communication style, plot your score from each of the 4 style types on the appropriate line in the graph above. Discover 4 styles of communication defined by Mark Murphy and how they can help your team break down communication barriers and understand each other better.. Most people use two styles more frequently than the other two. Communication Style QuizCommunication Style Quiz Thank God it's Monday! I learn by doing. 4. Only the fourth communication style, assertive, can ensure a healthy relationship and make you feel happy about your social interactions. communication style makes them feel respected and valued. But as a starting point, these are emblematic of the myriad ways that we like to . Now one style is better than the others, but it may be to your advantage to play 1. 3 / 15 They think I'm a friendly person They think I have lots of self-confidence You may choose only one answer for each question. I like to handle several projects at the same time. These styles balance two factors: (1) emotiveness: the extent to which a person is task-oriented or people-oriented and (2) assertiveness: the extent to which a person tends to ask or tell. This quiz breaks our communication styles down into three categories. Discover which communication style you are in this short quiz. 1 / 15 I prefer to speak Depends on my mood and the person I'm with I prefer to listen Do you start arguing easily? All riNhts reser]ed. Scoring Sheet for the Communication Styles Assessment Instructions: Circle the items you have selected and add up the totals for each style (one point per answer). Avoid using eye contact 1 2 1 2 The style with the highest score indicates your most commonly used strategy. The way we communicate is determined by childhood education, environment, and our own will. Negotiate. Building better bridges between people Carla Rieger Director of the Artistry of Change created by Try this fun self-quiz to find out your dominant Communication Style. It has 18 questions about your personality and how you handle certain situations. times you circled each style. However, this does not mean people with low self-esteem can't be 1. I believe . Tends to want to crush goals and has a more efficient focused way of thinking. Think about . When passive communication is someone's primary approach, on the plus side, they're probably very well liked by the people in their lives because they're agreeable, pleasant, and always say "yes" to other Communication builds trust. Over the years you have probably developed communication 'habits' that help you benefit more from some experiences than from others. I pay attention to both my own needs and those of other people, and I am good at making compromises. Does your partner accept suggestions from you? PASSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals have developed a pattern of avoiding expressing their opinions or feelings, protecting their rights, and identifying and meeting their needs.

They want bottom-line communications that are short and to the point and that don't waste their time. Each communication style is distinct and getting to understand the communicator require some efforts. On the following pages there are 20 statements, each of which What is your emotional state during an argument? Author: KONICA MINOLTA bizhub PRO 951 Created Date: 2/26/2013 12:32:34 PM The four corner styles are Director, Entertainer, Analyzer, and Pleaser. 1. A) Do not like pressure situations. 30. Copy & paste those onto a piece of paper or into a word document 3. Someone who takes an interest, who'll listen for a while." The dolphin is open and unassertive, warm, supportive and reliable.

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Use a communication style quiz: As a manager, to better understand the way you interact with your team and how they interact with each other

START QUIZ. Assertive Communication: A communication style in which a person stands up for their own needs and wants, while also taking into consideration the needs and wants of others, without behaving passively or aggressively. As you go through the four types of communication quiz, filling us in on your lifestyle and your relationships will help us find the answer you seek.

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